For any of you that have read this blog over the past two years it’s no surprise to know that I am a Liberal. A Progressive. A Democrat.
And proud of it.
Perhaps I haven't defined why?
If you don't care, move on there is nothing to see here.
But if you are even vaguely interested, heres why I am a Liberal/Progressive/Democrat.
Because I believe that the government can do some good.
I spent 13 years in the United States Navy. Since then I have worked with agencies of three different government departments as well as a state agency and a number of private companies mostly in power generation or the manufacture of medical devices. And through it all I have been largely impressed by the professionalism of the federal civil servants I have worked with and with their dedication.
Maybe I am delusional. I have been called worse. But in all that I have done, I have seen people who were doing their best every day to make this country better. In the end, I have far more trust and faith in government bureaucrats than I do in politicians
And I believe that government can be a force for good in our lives.
And that, from my observation, is the fundamental difference between me and most Republicans/Conservatives.
They believe, it seems to me, in the fundamental incompetence of government. They seem to believe that the government, outside of national security, is basically a drag on the economy. That is my perception anyway. I had one Conservative tell me that they believed in tax cuts with or without spending cuts because that put more money is their pocket. And they didn't even recognize the truth that, long term, tax cuts that aren't paid for take money out of all our pockets and out of the pockets of our children and grandchildren and probably their grandchildren as well.
So, to me, the difference is fundamental.
Can the government do some good or is government somehow inherently either destructive or incometent.
I believe it can do some good.
Professional Left Podcast Episode 870: Propaganda! (Science Fiction
All episodes available at our Science Fiction University website here.
2 hours ago