The whole Shirley Sherrod disaster just bring a question to mind.
Are Conservatives tired of being lied to yet?
Tax Cuts Pay for Themselves - A Lie
Terry Schiavo really was in a Persistent Vegatative State despite Bill Frist's Lie
President Obama was not born in Kenya - A Lie
President Obama does not hate America or White People - A Lie
The health care bill did not use federal funds for abortion - A Lie
The health care bill did not provide subsudies to illegal aliens - A Lie
There were no Death Panels or anything like that in the bill - A Lie
President Obama is not a Socialist - A Lie
Acorn was never accused of Voter Fraud - A Lie
Passing the 1993 budget with its Tax Increases did not destroy the American Economy - A Lie
Passing the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act and the Environmental Protection Act and the Occupational Health and Safety Act did not destroy the American Economy - A Lie
Saddam Hussein had ties to Al Queda - A Lie
And they are still lying about the human contribution to Global Warming.
And Shirley Sherrod is not a racist.
And it was the Bush Justice Department, not the Obama Justice Department, that decided no prosecutable crime was committed in the New Black Panthers case - despite the lies we were being told.
In almost every issue we face as a nation Republicans/Conservatives have lied to everyone.
Shirley Sherrod is only the latest example.
You would think Conservatives would get tired of being lied to.